If you have any problems with the product purchased in our store, please let us know!
Some problems may occur during every production process, and unfortunately we are not able to detect e.g. all the weaving defects on thousands of meters of the fabric that we manufacture. Please help us to improve our products! If you have any problems with our bedclothes, their washing or durability – contact us and describe the problem.
Information necessary to file a complaint:
1. Type of purchased product (model, size)
2. Date of purchase
3. Proof of purchase – receipt
4. Description of complaint – what happened, what can be the reason behind the problem, date when the problem occurred
5. Type of compensation – replacement of faulty goods with new articles, repair of goods free of charge, price reduction, rescission of the contract
Next please send the defective product to our address:
Foonka Store, ul. Sw. Ducha 2A, 70-205 Szczecin, Poland
It is very important since only then we can analyse the problem in detail.
You, our customers, are the best advisers when it comes to improving our products, and we are waiting for your feedback!
Write to us at: my.order@foonka.store
or call us: +48 660 180 853